One Bite at a Time

As I continue to think about, plan, and work on season 11 of what will be, in many ways, a new and different podcast, there are days like today, when I feel frustrated. There are a lot of things I want to, or am already trying to do. I want to get my YouTube channel rolling, and I feel like I’ve made only the barest start on that. I want to get the older episodes of the show on the channel, and I want to have a video of the staff at the end of each one. (Fortunately I have plenty to work with there.) But I still need a lot of practice putting those videos together.

Then there’s the question of audio quality on the old episodes, especially the first couple of seasons. I have the capability to clean up the audio and replace the old editions of the show with better ones in terms of sound quality, but that’s a time-consuming process as well.

Then there’s music, and sound effects. I want to get both of those into the show, as well.

I’m not complaining though—just letting off a little steam, I suppose. As the director of the homeless shelter I worked at back in the teens used to say, “How do you eat an elephant?”

The answer, of course, is one bite at a time.

Published by the medieval gnome

Teacher, reader, I was briefly a small businessman, fulfilling a life-long dream of owning my own game store. In the past 15 years I have become an ardent Terry Pratchett fan, hence my podcast, "The Discworld Portal. Teaching is in my blood, and at age 62 I seek to pursue practicing my craft online.

One thought on “One Bite at a Time

  1. Everything good takes time. Changes don’t come easy. You are working on this, bit by bit. In one year, it will be magnificent. If you weren’t making these exciting updates, in a year you’d still be exactly where you were two months ago, before you started on this adventure.

    Yes, it can be frustrating. Please feel free to vent whenever needed. We are behind you, and happy and willing to support your podcast and YT channel improvements. Don’t hesitate to call if you need either emotional support, or a kick in the pants…whatever it takes, we’re there for you my friend. 😊❤️👍


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